29 October 2012

RCID Students Awarded Teaching Distinctions and Grant Funding

Congratulations to our many Graduate Teaching Assistants who received a Clemson "Difference Makers" award! An anonymous survey conducted by University Housing gave on-campus students the opportunity to identify a particularly impacting faculty or staff member. We are happy to boast seven such mentors in our ranks. Congratulations to Jimmy Butts, Kristie Byrum, Jared Colton, Patricia Fancher, Michael Lucas, Lauren Mitchell, and Glenn Southergill!

Additionally, many of our students will hit the road with some funding provided by the Clemson's Professional Enrichment Grant (PEG) initiative for a variety of professionalization experiences. We're pleased to congratulate the following PEG recipients: Kristie Byrum, Patricia Fancher, John Jay Jacobs, Stephen Lind, and Drew Stowe!

Lind used this opportunity for a trip to California to conduct original interviews and archive research for his dissertation. "The competitive funding provided through the Graduate Student Government is an essential component of Clemson's support of graduate research," said Lind, making possible "research and presentations that often simply would not happen otherwise."

Congrats, all!

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